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tv   The FOX Report With Shepard Smith  FOX News  August 21, 2009 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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place where you will get the whole story. we will see you back here on monday. make it a great weekend. jon: she converted to christianity, and she says it could cost her her life. i am jon scott, in for shepard smith, and the news starts now. she is 17 years old, and after she left islam, she left home. she said her parents would kill her for abandoning her religion. >> this is a true threat, and you can see the fear and terror. jon: they say she has been brainwashed. now, the court has the case. tonight, will be teenager be forced to go back home could you will the teenager be forced? -- tonight's, will be teenager be forced to go back home? -- tonight, will the
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teenager be forced to go back home? she said she left after her father threatened to kill her from converting from islam to christianity. in the generations of her family, no one has an and jesus. i am the first. imagine the honor in kill any. the family denies that they have ever threatened her, and they say there was no allegation of abuse -- imagine the honor in killing me. >> in the embrace of this pastor. jon: the family says the pastor is from the global revolution church, and they say that's they brainwashed her. -- that they brainwashed her. what happens now? >> well, it could be an all-day affair. they will be asked to confirm or
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deny the allegation. she will be killed " for abandoning islam for christianity. -- she will be killed for abandoning islam for christianity. we will have what the florida department will determine and investigators discover over the next few weeks, evidence either supporting or dismissing the girls claims. keep in mind, they already investigated this, finding no evidence of any previous abuse or that herk threats of death are valid. recurring threats. jon: there was the hearing today -- her threats. >> she said she loves her family. she has been a christian for four years of her life. most of that has been secret, but she does now fear for her life right now because of what she calls previous abuse. no evidence given to support this at the time. the mother then it took the
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stand. -- her mother then took the stand, and they have said that she is in no danger whatsoever. jon: what do we know about them and their church? >> yes, some people started a church, the global revolution church, just recently. i spoke with the pastor today, and they said they only have about 100 or 150 people associated with the church, but they call it to the global revolution" because they believe they are in the middle of an epic struggle between islam and christianity and that humanity has to choose between good over evil. jon: thank you. we want to know what you think. go to it is our question of the day. how should the court handled this case? we will bring you the result at the end of "the fox report." they say he pulled out her
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teeth and ripped out her fingernails, but they say that the murder or forgot something. it was a body that we are told had been strangled, stuffed into a suitcase, and tossed into an l.a. area dumpster, a model. they are still looking for the ex-husband. he is an obscure reality show contestant coomer 8 fiore in -- an obscure reality show contestant who married fiore in a quickie wedding. anita vogel is live in california. anita, why do they say that? >> the police are working very closely with the u.s. office and canadian officials, and they do believe that brian jenkins is in canada. they say he started out in the u.s. and drove to washington -- ryan jenkins is in canada.
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they say he bolated across and walked into canada. u.s. officials are hoping that if he is arrested in canada that he can be extradited to the u.s., where he can stand trial for murder. moscow? jon -- jon? jon: what about the family? >> the family was sobbing. an ex-boyfriend took center stage and spoke angrily about ryan jenkins. >> ryan jenkins is an animal. when he gets done to jasmne is unspeakable -- to jasmine. >> any also asked that anybody who has any information about ryan jenks please step forward
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to help -- ryan jenkins, please step forward to help. jon: anita vogel, thank you. a fox news weather alert now, hurricane bill expected to spare the u.s. a direct hit but could still give dangerous conditions along the eastern seaboard this week and. they expect riptides -- this weekend. it weakened to a category two. a tropical storm warning and a hurricane watch are issued for bermuda, where high surf and gusty winds said some tourists packing. former president bill clinton and secretary of state hillary clinton were in bermuda, but they cut their trip short with a storm com-- with the storm coming. rick reichmuth is in our weather center. rick: it has been a strong storm
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for a number of days, all of this energy pushing off to the northwest that will create the conditions you're talking about, big swells, and that will translate into big waves. it will start tonight, and we will see those waves move on in and probably tomorrow sees some 15 to 20-foot waves, maybe 25 feet on sunday and little further north. it does not matter that much if it does strengthen. that will take us back to a category 3, and then it will go over water fairly quickly, and that will cause the storm to begin. there is a beneficial storm that has been moving in from the west. all week long, we have been talking about this trough, and it is here, and it is not allowing this storm-to move further up, and it will eventually move to the northeast. some of this rain is very heavy, and this hurricane is going to give this.
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over the weekend, some areas of the northeast, maybe four inches of rain, not because of the hurricane but because of a stalled front. jon? jon: rick reichmuth, thanks. protecting the nation from those that would do harm, but someone has revealed the identities of certain cia agents to it suspects at guantanamo bay. we will tell you how that happened. plus, more on the release of the lockerbie bombing. what do you think about this man walking free on grounds of compassion? click on the website and share your thoughts. [ female announcer ] olay challenged not just one dermatologist but a whole panel in creating an anti-aging breakthrough. introducing olay professional pro-x wrinkle protocol.
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as effective as the leading prescription wrinkle brand. challenge pro-x yourself, we guarantee the results.
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jon: libya getting international condemnation for its welcome home of a convicted terrorist. the man known as the lockerbie bombing, abdelbaset ali mohmet
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al-megrahi, the only man convicted of the lockerbie bombing, killing 270 people, many of them americans. he spent eight years behind bars after getting a life sentence. he has prostate cancer, and scott and released him on compassionate grounds. libya has been playing down his release, but that reception at the airport upset people, including president obama. he responded to a question at the white house today. listen. >> thanks very much. >> what about the heroes welcome in libya, sir? >> do you consider to be a terrorist state? >> i think it was highly objectionable. jon: "highly objectionable" is what the president says. they say they will plan a protest when muammar qaddafi visits the united nations next month. to find out what you think about
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the release of the lockerbie bombing, we first asked you yesterday on our website, and we have received quite a response. some 66,000 of you sent your emails. do you agree with the release of al-megrahi? 96% of you say no. the guy should have died in prison. for more detailed results or to wait in yourself, go to our website, -- weigh in yourself. the identities of several cia agents may have been compromised, beefier that they may have been revealed the two prisoners at guantanamo bay. jennifer griffin is following this at the pentagon. jennifer, how would this have happened? >> essentially, the aclu has been helping a few of the defense attorneys for some of the 9/11 co-conspirators, and the aclu and defense attorneys
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pieced together with open source information, some of it coming from "the new york times," the name of some of these interrogators, and then they sent photographers to release some of their homes, one in northern virginia, and they took pictures of dthe cia operatives and showed them to the detainees at gtmo, and now it is raising questions as to whether or not they broke any laws. jon: what are they doing about it? >> the justice department has opened an investigation. we have looked into that and confirmed it. there were those that showed the pictures to the guantanamo detainees at gtmo. we understand there were about 45 pictures at all that were shared, and the justice department is deciding whether they think there is enough to bring charges against these attorneys. jon: well, if those suspects at guantanamo bay and eventually come to trial, what role are those cia agents going to play?
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>> it is a good question, and it has raised a lot of eyebrows in the intelligence community, because if guantanamo bay is closed, and if those 9/11 co- conspirators who are brought to the u.s. for a trial in federal court, then it is likely that those cia interrogators will be called to testify at those trials, and then there cover will be blown even further, so a lot of questions if guantanamo bay is closed. jon: jennifer griffin, live at the pentagon, thank you. afghanistan's presidential election, one day after the voting took place. president hamid karzai and his challenger both insisting that they won the election with enough votes to avoid a runoff. the election officials say it is too early to tell, and the preliminary results will be released no sooner than tuesday. this is the second election since the fall of the taliban in 2001.
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a raid in beverly hills by drug agents investigating the death of michael jackson, and this just days after we were told an arrest could be imminent. the latest details are next. plus, the man who says he wants to be called john doe. he cannot remember his real name or his past. he is talking. bicycle, i've missed you. gathering dust, as pollen floats through the air. but with the strength of zyrtec ® , the fastest, 24-hour allergy relief,
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jon: more developments in the michael jackson story. the family says he will be laid to rest on september 3. jackson's family had originally planned the service for his 51st
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birthday. the spokesman did not give a reason for the change. jackson died june 25, and the public service was held in july, his death still under investigation. jackson will be interred at the great mausoleum at the first monarch cemetery in glenmont, california. it will be a private ceremony. and news today in the investigation into his death. the drug enforcement agency rating the mikey fine pharmacy. they say they are looking for evidence of improper dispensing of controlled substances. the dea already raided a pharmacy in nevada as part of the investigation. we are told that one of jackson's many doctors used mikey fine extensively, and jackson himself had been a customer there for many years. the guy found wandering in california with a virtually no memory it says cey accepts that
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he is edwards, but you can call him john doe. that is what he told people. lightheart showed up and took a bus driver he did not know where he was and that he needed help. newspaper heard about his story, and published it, and pretty soon, it was solved. they say he was a former chef and teacher with an extensive knowledge of history. today, he had a sort of coming out party, a news conference, where the answers questions about what he does and does not remember. he seems calm and detached about his own predicament, but he says he is going through tough times. >> there are things that are upsetting to me that i am not able to process, and that is a very valid point, that there are still things that i have to get through, and i am not sure how i am going to do it. moscow well, now that one mystery is solved, -- jon: well,
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now that one mystery is solved, lighthart's doctors are trying to figure out what caused his amnesia. >> it was an amazing press conference to watch today, jon. this is a guy who is obviously very smart, obviously very articulate, obviously very intellectually curious, and he is interested in learning in a weird way about his own life story. listen. >> the curious thing about this is that i am able to see this for about a subjective and an objective standpoint. from an objective standpoint, it's absolutely fascinating, but from the subject is standpoint, it is absolutely terroriterrify. jon: there are people out there that think he is thinking. >> absolutely not. he said that was one thing that he was absolutely definitive
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about. listen. >> this is definitely not a hoax, and i can understand where they're coming from, but this is one of the most hellish experience is that anybody can go through, and not having an identity, -- one of the most hellish experiences -- i have never in my entire life consider the ramifications. >> and the doctors agree, this is not faiths. this is a real case of almost complete and mischa, john -- this is not faked. this is a real case of almost complete amnesia. he says he has pieces of the jigsaw puzzle, but at the moment, they are not interlocking. as i said, it was a fascinating news conference that we saw. if you would like to see the whole thing, go to the website. it is all right there. jon: thank you.
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time is clicking away for the cash for clunkers program. we will take a look at the good and the back of that multibillion-dollar plan. plus, when you preserve the memory of your child's birth, on video, you do not want to do with a high traffic camera. still ahead, the baby that just could not wait to get to the hospital. with my cousin. this is un-- under $200. are you some kind of-- mind reader, visionary ? no, i have them. huh. the new lightweight hp mini netbook with windows and america's largest and most-reliable 3g network built in. only 199.99 with mobile broadband plans from 39.99 i am-- speechless, envious. wanna be me right now. getting one.
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moscow imagine all of your favorite movies, picture shows, other all in one place with a
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facebook-sh feature for friends to make recommendations. for media companies, it sounds like a piracy nightmare, and yet, the creators of this new software say it could be a big win for everybody. >> good morning, everybody. >> first, there was tv. then, there was . >> ok, let's get started. -- there was facebook. >> we help you discover content, and we do based on what you like and what we've learned from your consumption habits, and we also do by knowing what your friends do. >> you see what your friends are watching, and if it is available on the internet, you can view it immediately. this system allows you to switch between that and the internet.
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you connect your computer to the tv, and end up access to television shows, twitter, even the white house. what boxee does not allowed to do is direct pirated media files to be shared. there are still some glitches, like keeping them on a low internet connection, but still, television shows like "miss the simpsons" got high ratings on the web. they are not focused on turning a profit. their goal is to increase the number of users from 600,000 to 1 million by the end of this year. jon: i am jon scott in for shepard smith. this is the fox report. the bottom of the hour, time for the top of the news. a big player in health care met with president obama today. tom daschle was once the
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president's pick for health secretary, but he lost the shot over trouble with his taxes. still, he is a paid consultant to the health-care industry, and that raises some questions about what he might be telling the president about reform. >> the president knows and expects that when he asks senator daschle question, he is in the opinion of senator daschle and not anybody else. jon: major garrett is live at the white house. >> they had the good sense to get off the north lawn before it started raining. unfortunately, i did not. we got a brief statement that said it was a quick check in on health-care issues and strategy going forward. the story is this, jon. tom daschle, once nominated, suggested by the president as hhs, health and human services,
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secretary. there are some that thought he would make a very good chief of staff to be president. he did not get either job, and that has created some distance between the two. the white house is trying to close that distance. why? because the president needs all of the support he can on health care, and tom daschle is helping him. jon: some are still trying to come up with a compromise. >> yes, last night, there was a telephone call between three democrats and republicans involved with crafting health- care legislation and fighting in which to pay for it. they said afterwards that all these issues are still on the table. they are making progress, but there are reports of i have been able to confirm that those six members are looking at a less ambitious health-care reform in large member because of the sticker shock they are experiencing because of the $1 trillion price tag over three years. those numbers are likely to be
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increased with the white house announcement that the projected federal deficit has risen from 90 -- from $7 trillion to $9 million. jon: -- $9 trillion. jon: i know it is raining, but what is that noise? >> it is not difficult, jon, it is just cicadas. it is august. jon: the chairman of the federal reserve with an upbeat report at the meeting of scholars. ben bernanke spoke just minutes after the stock market opens, and look at what happened as a result. the market spiked on the news. all the indexes were up, the nasdaq up 32, the s&p up 19. cash for clunkers is about to run out of cash for good. the government-funded car rebate program set to and monday night. that is the last time americans will be able to trade in their
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old gas guzzlers for more fuel- efficient cars and get a rebate up to $4,500. the program began nearly one month ago, and it has been wildly popular with car buyers. we are told it has helped sell about 486,000 vehicles, have prompted automakers to increase production. carl cameron is live at a car dealership in the suburbs of d.c.. so, carl, is anyone talking about expanding its program yet again? >> there is no shortage of friday night bargainers. they have been packed all day. washington has not shown a great deal of interest in continuing the program partly because the government give away with all of the deficit is a bit of a problem, but senior congressional aides have said that after a full study, there is a big possibility that lawmakers will look at the program, perhaps week and a little bit, and restart it.
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the problem is there has been a stampede -- perhaps tweak it a little bit. >> i was supposed to be going to the beach. i said i had to make this happen today, or it was not going to happen. you're talking about a savings of 450,00$4,500. >> some computers were shut down today, so they cannot even apply for them. $5.50 million of rebates have been paid out and only have been reimbursed for about 8%. >> the implications you have a situation like this, when you have 5.5 million in cash flow, you have no idea how long that money will be tied up for. >> still, it is $5.50 million they would not have otherwise cotton.
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it has been a blessing -- they would not have otherwise gotten. it is an increase of what has happened in previous months. jon: a carl cameron, thank you. first-time home buyers are cashing in on the final days of the tax credit. those that complete their sales by the end of november are eligible for a credit up to $8,000, and the national association of realtors say it is sparking a buying spree. , silver up since june. much more than analysts expected, the biggest monthly increase in one decade. -- it has been up since june. fox news tracking h1n1, and lots of new developments to report tonight. first, a warning from the world health organization that there can soon be an explosion in h1n1 cases, with the number doubling every three or four days in the
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coming months. seconds, new advice about treating the virus. they say healthy people that had to do not need antiviral drugs such as tamiflu. the centers for disease control and prevention have reported that over five wonder people have died, nearly 8000 hospitalized. still, a small fraction of the regular flu -- over 500 people have died. there have been farms quarantined in chile. to learn more about the h1n1 pandemic, go to and type "h1n1" in the box. now, in a new book, former homeland security chief tom ridge said the bush administration played politics with our safety. so do his accusations hold water?
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[captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute jon: the former head of homeland security making an accusation, tom ridge saying he was pressured to raise the threat level just days before the 2004 election, the implication being that they were using the threat of terror attacks for political reasons, but i'll look at what happens in the days leading up to the election is that the situation is not so clear-cut. catherine herridge is live nearby the capital with more for us. >> the allegations are getting so much attention, especially here in washington, because critics of the administration say it is another example of somebody saying politics were at play during the war on terror. as osama bin laden, warned in a videotape that blood would run through the states of washington, then-secretary tom
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ridge claimed in a new book that he was pressured to raise the nation's color-coded threat level hottie condi each of the 2004 election, but he refused he writes, "there was absolutely no support for that position within our department. i wondered, is this about security or politics." raising the threat level was perceived by some as something that would help of then- president bush. another person flatly denied it. >> it was never discussed. >> while this language, specifically the word "wondered " does not appear definitive, some wanted to use the color coded system for political gain. the story ibeing used to sell copies of the book is said to be nonsense.
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critics say the statement is not consistent with other claims in the book. that is as the allegation comes as homeland security is conducting a review of that system and whether it will ever be used in the future. jon? jon: catherine herridge, thanks. passengers stranded in their airplane overnight, no food, screaming babies, and backed up toilet. all of that when they were only 50 yards from the airport terminal. they say the company that operated the flight was not at fault. instead, it was the regional carrier of delta, the only airline that had staff at the airport at that time. in fact, you can hear the captain of the flight repeatedly asked them to let the passengers off of the plane. >> we need to work out some way to get them off. there is no food, and it is just getting really unhappy. the terminal closed here, so we
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cannot even get to the terminal. if they can get off into the terminal -- >> whatever information they have is not correct. i mean, we cannot leave the people on there for hours. >> no, you cannot. moscow, -- jon: well, mesaba said they could not let them off because staff that left, and that is not true. allegedly. no word from delta. two men on board in another incident walkaway. this is our story is we take a trip across america. new jersey, the twin engine plane reportedly hit a tree before ending up in a grassy area near teterboro airport. the first officer on the scene found the two men sitting on the kerb at a bus stop. >> they both said, "we are in seaplane." so i was a bit taken aback.
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how did you walk away from that? at this point, they were just more confused than anything. jon: both men expected to recover from birds. california, a man and two others broke into a store. when officers arrived, they found him on the roof, talking on his cell phone. at last check, officers rest of looking for the other suspect. texas, a 911 operator got a call from a nervous and dad, saying his wife was about to give birth on the side of the highway, but before they did tell the father what to do -- [baby cries] >> that was such a great sense, to hear the baby cry. jon: that was their second child. texas, firefighters are concerned about the survival of a tree, so they are watering it.
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>> when christopher columbus discovered the world, this was here. -- the new world, this was here. jon: and that is fox across america. >> "fox across america is brought to you by verizon wireless." jon: news in the case of casey anthony, accused of killing her own daughter. you will remember that two-year- old caylee was missing, but it was months before she was reported missing. her remains were found not far in some woods away from the family house. her lawyers said she could not have killed her daughter because the girl's remains were disposed of a while she was in jail. -- disposed of what she was in jail. one person was fires, three others suspended without pay. this was snapped on the hood of a patrol car.
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the rifle belongs to one of the officers. the deputies say they each had down about 3 to 5 beers a night this photograph was taken. you know the recession has been tough, and we wanted to get some idea about what they are going through. we will spend the day and the life of a small-business owner, coming up. it's what doct most for headaches. for arthritis pain... in your hands... knees... and back. for little bodies with fevers.. and big bodies on high blood pressure medicine. tylenol works with your body... in a way other pain relievers don't... so you feel better... knowing doctors recommend tylenol... more than any other brand of pain reliever.
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jon: new tonight, members of the lutheran denomination have voted to allow, sexual spit to lead services. until now, the only allowed gays and lesbians to serve as ministers if they abstains from sex. the meeting happened a few hours ago. they have almost 5 million
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members and 10,000 congregations in the u.s. individual congregations will have a final say, on whether they hire gay clergy in committed relationships. we have now learned that the federal deficit is going to be $2 trillion higher than previous estimates, and that pushes it to $9 trillion. there is new thinking that our post recession growth may not be as strong as initially thought, so that puts us to dollars trillion more in the red. for an idea about how much cash that really is, consider that $2 trillion is enough to buy battleships or 936 packs of budweiser for every man, woman, or child in america. as we mentioned earlier, by most accounts, the cash for clunkers program has been quite a success, at least four car makers and car buyers, but for many of the dealers that accepted the vouchers, well, and they are still waiting for reinforcements which are being
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held up by a bureaucratic blizzard. as jim morrison tells us, taking advantage of the government economic programs his means lots and lots of paperwork -- as jim rosen tells us. >> we can to this alexandria dealership. this is going to be fun. he is general sales manager. >> this year is a disposal certification form. there are procedures on how to work on the car. >> there are more than two dozen forms to fill out. >> very carefully. >> let's go. come on. and here, the baron wastelands, it is rare automobiles good to die. -- this barren wasteland. everybody falls in love some time. that is amore. getting that crucial first
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followed. sometimes they, too that las vegas of paperwork, the small business administration. >> you are not going to fill out any more forms to get an sba- guaranteed loan and then you would for a conventional loan. >> but still, that is a craload? >> that is not the terminology we use. >> ok, in this game, i am the big boss man. i get to sit behind the desk, and i have prepared a series of forms for you to fill out, and i would like you to fill these out in, say, 20 minutes. is that ok? >> yes. >> jon, i would stand here and give you a proper -- i think the folks from the edgar r. murrow award are out in a hallway. i have to go. jon: a guy in connecticut leads
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police on a wild ride in a boat, cooked up to his truck. wait until you see what happened to the vessel -- poked up to his truck. plus, the results of our question of the day -- hooked up to his truck. . . [ female announcer ] olay challenged not just one dermatologist but a whole panel in creating an anti-aging breakthrough. introducing olay professional pro-x wrinkle protocol. as effective as the leading prescription wrinkle brand. challenge pro-x yourself, we guarantee the results.
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that's a-- tiny netbook. yeah, it's-- good-looking, lightweight. generally awesome. and you could just-- go online, video-chat with my cousin. this is un-- under $200. are you some kind of-- mind reader, visionary ? no, i have them. huh. the new lightweight hp mini netbook with windows and america's largest and most-reliable 3g network built in. only 199.99 with mobile broadband plans from 39.99 i am-- speechless, envious. wanna be me right now. getting one. ever wonder how cheez-it bakes... so much real cheese in such small bites? ♪ baking complete! well, now you know. cheez-it. the big cheese.
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jon: check this out. a high-speed police chase with a 32-foot boat. the suspect hit speeds of up to 95 miles per hour. that is not wise because this is what happens, the boat fishtails and flips off the trailer. police say it started when the suspect went to a boat dealer and wanted to buy a craft that was already sold. rather than take no for an
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answer, he stole it instead. >> this was a sold boat. the electronics have been installed. to see that happen is sickening. billonejon: no one was hurt. a teenager slammed head-on into a japanese cruiser. we are told that he and the officer involved tested negative for alcohol. -- a teenager slammed head-on into a police cruiser. a man tried to force a teenager into his car and he decided to run away. the case appears to involve domestic abuse. the suspect faces several charges.
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updating some of our top stories, u.s. marshals offering up to $25,000 reward for ryan alexander jenkins. he is wanted in connection with the murder of his ex-wife. fellow prosecutors say they want a judge to has a medical exam of the woman who tried to extort money from the university of louisville basketball coach. a 17-year-old convert to christianity can stay in florida. she said that she ran away from her family in ohio and they fear that they might harm her. we promised you we would give you the results of the question, how should the court can? out of some 20,000 votes, 7% say that the court has no choice to follow the precedent, she should be sent back to ohio. 40% say that she must be
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protected and allowed to stay in florida. 51% say the legislature should pass an emergency act to let her stay there. for more detailed results, go to our website, on this day in 1959, dwight d. eisenhower making hawaii the 50th state. the pacific island chain has been inhabited for more than 1000 years but it has always had more to offer than sand and surf. the u.s. and next hawaii largely because of its strategic importance. -- annexed hawaii largely because of its strategic importance. that is why the japanese bombed it. in 1959, it was a state. the people of the state voted overwhelminglyo


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